West Kent Motorcycling Lodge is open to anyone with an interest in motorcycling.
Members do not have to own – or even ride a bike!

The Regular Meetings of the Lodge will be held at the Masonic Hall, Dartford, Kent, on the fourth Monday in November (Installation) and the third Saturday in May and at the Masonic Hall, Wrotham, Kent, on the fourth Monday in March & June.

As with all bikers’ organisations, we pride ourselves on the friendliness of our welcome. Any Brother is more than welcome to arrange a visit. We are particularly keen to hear from anyone interested in joining our Lodge whether as a new Mason or as a joining member.

In addition to the Lodge meetings, we have regular ride-outs. Members also organise longer trips both in the UK and abroad. We try to visit and support other motorcycling Lodges, of which there are an increasing number. Some of our Members are in the Widows Sons (Masonic Bikers).

The Lodge was consecrated on 20th March 2015 and supports Masonic Charities and other good causes.

What is Freemasonry?

For each of those who join, Freemasonry means different things to every Mason. Some Freemasons enjoy meeting new people and expanding their circle of friends. For others charity is one of the primary reasons, being able to help deserving causes and helping to make a difference to family and society. For most Freemasons it is simply an enjoyable hobby they share with like-minded people from a surprisingly wide and diverse spread of society.

As one of the world’s largest and oldest fraternal, charitable, non-religious and non-political organisations, Freemasonry teaches self-knowledge through participation through a progression of ceremonies. Members are encouraged to speak openly about Freemasonry and are expected to be of high moral standing.

Freemasonry is a fraternal society, concerned with moral and spiritual values. Members are taught its guiding principles (moral lessons and self-knowledge) via a series of ritual dramas – a progression of allegorical two-part plays which are learnt by heart and performed within each Lodge – Using medieval stonemasons’ customs and tools as allegorical guides*.

A moral and ethical approach to life is instilled in its members, its values are based on integrity, kindness, honesty and fairness.

Members are urged to regard the interests of the family as paramount, but importantly, Freemasonry also teaches concern for people, care for the less fortunate and help for those in need.

(*An allegory is a term for a figure of speech. It is a story or picture with a hidden meaning. The characters in allegories are symbols which represent particular ideas. The story has a figurative meaning, not just a literal one. For example, a fable or parable is a short allegory with one basic idea or moral, so it is within Freemasonry).

Some helpful information:

  • Experience an amazing, personalised and lifelong journey of self-discovery and self-knowledge, with the help of a like-minded fraternity of men with shared values. The Members’ Pathway provides a structured programme and supports Members to develop and undertake this journey of self-discovery.
  • Receive guidance and encouragement to find the ways and the means to develop yourself from within, into a stronger, more complete person.
  • Develop an understanding of the ways and traditions of ancient Lodges of stonemasons and their relevance to today’s world.
  • Take part in Masonic meetings and fascinating ceremonies that are normally followed by a dinner or banquet.
  • Develop personal confidence and skills by involvement in Lodge ceremonies and proceedings, supported by regular classes of instruction.
  • Join an international organisation with 6 million worldwide Members and with shared values.
  • Visit other Lodges in the UK and enjoy the fellowship of new acquaintances.
  • Build lifelong camaraderie with people who share the same values.
  • Take part in social and charitable activities and events with families, wives and partners.
  • Provide community support and help with charitable activities.
  • Becoming a Freemason means you’ll be joining more than 200,000 Members throughout England and Wales, as well as Districts overseas.

Membership is open to any man over the age of 18 irrespective of their race or religion. In total, we have more than 7,000 Lodges, with students able to join one of the 85 University Scheme Lodges. Women are invited to join one of two female-only Grand Lodges: The Order of Women Freemasons and Freemasonry for Women.

For more information please email Trevor Jones (Secretary) 

almasec1@yahoo.co.uk or Mick Mills millssilvester@aol.com

Dartford Masonic Hall, 71 West Hill, Dartford DA1 2HJ

Website by Stephensigns.co.uk  01689 822879   ©2023

Dartford Masonic Hall, 71 West Hill, Dartford


Website by Stephensigns.co.uk  01689 822879   ©2023